SPA Level lV. Observe press set up followed by participants setup of screen press & printing their first run of t-shirt design. Max run: 6.

Part 4 of 4 part series to gain access to the printmaking studio. All classes must be passed to gain independent access to The Studio.

Screen Printing Access Level lV

Print Your First T Shirt Run

  • Materials Fee: $10 (Students must furnish their own screens.)
  • Instructor: Lee Hemingway (
  • Prerequisite: Intro to Screen Printing, SPA Level l, Preparing You and Your Art for Screen Printing, SPA Level ll and Finalize Art and Burn Screens, SPA Level lll.


Understand the importance and practice of registration on press. Print a run of 6 shirts using two registered screens.


Artists will walk away with a set of 6 shirts printed as part of the structure of this class. Once artists have successfully completed the task of printing 6 shirts a short quiz will need to be submitted and passed. With a pass of the press and written tests artists will be granted full rights to the studio and screen printing press. Artists provide their own shirts, screens and ink unless otherwise agreed to prior to the start of class.

Flow of the class (3-4 hrs)

The Studio: Press demo set-up using registration. Practice and Q&A (60 mins)

The Studio: Final EXAM: Each student will have 45 minutes to set-up their 2 screens and print 6 shirts. Exam includes cleaning up the press and equipment.

Screen Printing Artist Skills Checkoff

  • Demonstration of 2 screen registration
  • Provides a proper screen to plate distance
  • Demonstrates proper Ink management within and outside of the inkwell
  • Demonstrates proper ink application with a consistent push or pull technique.
  • Demonstrates even pressure to squeegee at 15-20 degrees off 90.
  • Floods screen between between passes.
  • Artist demonstrates proper drying of garment
  • Press & screen cleanup
  • Test completed and passed
  • Understands the press signup policies & practice

Other classes in this series

Intro to Screen Printing, Preparing You and Your Art for Screen Printing, and Burn Your Screens cover the following: observation of all aspects of printing a shirt, a discussion of the history of printmaking, common screen printing design styles, demonstration on techniques, preparation of art and screen (coat and burn), two-screen process with registration, and printing of your first run of t-shirts. These classes are designed to provide the participant with all the skills to independently produce printmaking artwork with any number of substrates. All four classes need to be taken in order to pass the program and gain independent access to The Studio.

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